Introduction: Cytoscopic evaluation alone is inadequate in detecting residual tumor after intravesical
therapy. Intravesical experimental evidence indicates that mitomycin C cause denudation and flattening of the
noninvasive ürothelial tumors, often leaving tumor which may not be visible on endoscopic examination.
Cytology has limited value for low grade tumors because of the toxic and metabolic effects of the intravesical
chemotherapatic agents on the urothelial epithelium. Aim of this study is to review our experience regarding
the value of urine cytology on follow up after intravesical mitomycin C therapy for noninvasive urothelial
cancer in addition to observe any potential therapy induced-influence of mitomycin C.
Materials and Methods: Study group consisted of 31 patients, after exclusion of 3 patients, 28 patients were
given courses of intravesical mitomycin C for recurrent or newly diagnosed noninvasive urothelial carcinoma
of the bladder. All of the 28 patients were underwent cytoscopy, bladder washings and TUR before and 4
weeks after therapy. Cytospin slides were stained with May Grünwald Giemsa. Four cyto-diagnostic
categories were applied: nondiagnostic, benign, suspicous and malignant. Besides, cellular parameters such as
background, cellularity, nuclear& cytoplasmic features were evaluated. In histopathologic evaluation, cases
were graded according to 2004 WHO classification.
Results: Of the 28 patients treated, 13 had complete responses while 10 had partial responses and 5 were
nonresponders. Distribution of diagnosis in study population was as follows: 13 cases benign; 9 cases
malignant; 6 cases suspicious. Although in majority of cases, cytological features depending on –obviouslymetabolic
and toxic effects of MMC were observed; six cases were diagnosed as suspicious since nuclear
hyperchromasia and nucleomegaly were conspicious. In complete response group; sensitivity, specificity and
accuracy rates for urothelial carcinomas were 66.6%, 55.5%, 58,3%, respectively; in low grade tumors and
100%, 100%, 100% for high grade tumors respectively. Among the tumors with partial response, low grade
tumors displayed 100%, 83.3%, 85.7% and high grade ones had 100%, 100%, 100% sensitivity, specificity and
accuracy rates, respectively.
Conclusion: Our data suggest that cytologic evaluation was an accurate predictor of residual tumor or
new tumor occurrence for patients with initial high grade ürothelial tumors. However, it reflects a reduced
sensitivity of urinary cytology in low grade category due to the overlapping of cytopathic and/or real
malignant cellular changes. In other words for low grade category, positive urine cytologic data, in the absence
of endoscopically detectable tumor, can be assumed to represent either residual cancer or cytopathic effects of
the Mitomycin-C therapy. Team cooperation between the urologist and (cyto) pathologist is crucial for follow
up after treatment of urothelial carcinomas.