Urology Research & Practice
Case Report

Diode laser epilation of urethral hair follicles following urethroplasty


Department of Urology, Sema Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey

Urol Res Pract 2012; 38: 173-175
DOI: 10.5152/tud.2012.037
Read: 1513 Downloads: 1059 Published: 25 July 2019


The patient, a 35-year-old male, presented at our clinic complaining of occasional difficulty in urination and the blurry urination. The patient’s history included eleven cases of internal urethrotomy, urethral catheter insertion, urethral dilatation, and lastly two urethroplasty procedures eighteen years prior to presentation at our clinic. Several hair follicles in the bulbous urethra and calculi causing partial obstruction were observed with urethrocystoscopy. Pneumatic lithotripsy, stone extraction and diode laser epilation were carried out to remove hair follicles. Urethral stricture, calculi, and hair follicles were not seen in urethrocystoscopy after three months.

EISSN 2980-1478