The aim of our study was to evaluate the meaningfulness of the 60 minutes motility test in asthenozoospermic patients recommended by WHO in 1999 as a criteria in asthenozoospermia
The semen analysis of 40 patients who applied to our laboratory and had no liquefaction and/or viscosity problems, was carried out according to WHO criteria. The patients were grouped as asthenozoospermic and normospermic. Progressive motility in 30 minutes (grade a+b) and progressive motility in 60 minutes (grade a) were evaluated.
In one case 60 minutes motility test result was low where as it was normal in 30 minutes. In contrary in another case 60 minutes motility test result was normal where as it was low in 30 minutes. This bias from normal can be considered with in normal expected values. Kabba value, being 0.85 confirm this.
According to this study, in the evaluation of asthenozoospermia 60 minutes motility test is not necessary. Longevity studies have to be carried out for longer time periods.