Urology Research & Practice
GENERAL UROLOGY - Letter to the Editor

First case of retroperitoneal hematoma in COVID-19


Division of Diagnostic Imaging, Department of Surgical and Biomedical Sciences, Perugia University, Santa Maria della Misericordia Hospital, Perugia, Italy


Division of Radiology 1, Santa Maria della Misericordia Hospital, Perugia, Italy

Urol Res Pract 2020; 46: 407-409
DOI: 10.5152/tud.2020.20302
Read: 2070 Downloads: 805 Published: 31 August 2020

Cite this article as: Scialpi M, Russo P, Piane E, Gallo E, Scalera GB. First case of retroperitoneal hematoma in COVID-19. Turk J Urol 2020; 46(5): 407-9.

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