Introduction: Seventy percent of bladder tumors are confined to the mucosa and lamina propria when
diagnosed and are called superficial bladder tumors. Whereas 70-80% of these do not extend beyond the
mucosa, 20-30% involves lamina propria. Even though defined superficial, these tumors have heterogeneous
biologic behavior and can be highly malignant. In those who do not receive further treatment after
transurethral resection, recurrence rates are %50-70 and progression rates range between 25-50%.
Intravesical Bacille-Calmette Guérin treatment is the main treatment after TUR. However, 30-40% of patients
do not respond to BCG treatment and %30-40 of those who respond, recur within five years. In medium to
high risk patients with recurrence after intravesical chemotherapy, BCG treatment can be tried. However,
when BCG as a first line of treatment fails, the situation is more complicated. In these patients, cystectomy
should be considered primarily. New treatment modalities have shown some promising results. The addition of
interferon to BCG has proven effective, with response rates near 50%. Intravesical gemcitabine and
photodynamic therapy are new therapies that need to be evaluated further with randomized studies.