Urology Research & Practice

Our results of tubularized incised plate urethroplasty in cases with primer and recurrent hipospadias


Sağlık Bakanlığı Ankara Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 3. Üroloji Kliniği, Ankara

Urol Res Pract 2011; 37: 136-141
Read: 1350 Downloads: 1128 Published: 25 July 2019


Objective: To compare the efficacy of tubularized incised plate urethroplasty (TIPU) technique on cases with primer and recurrent hypospadias.

Materials and methods: Records of 141 (120 primary, 21 recurrent) hypospadias patients who underwent TIPU and completed 3rd month control were retrospectively reviewed. Urethral stent with percutaneous cystostomy and Foley catheter were used in 110 (72%) and 31 (22%) patients, respectively. Catheter or stent was removed on postoperative 7th day, and patients were asked for control visit on 2nd week and third month. The success rate of TIPU was assessed on primary and recurrent cases. Additionally, the effect of patient’s age, placement of urethral meatus, and type of urinary divertion on TIPU success were investigated.

Results: The mean age of the patients was 8.4±4.6 years (range 2-25 years). Urethral fistula developed in 23 (19.2%) of 120 primary patients and 5 (23.8%) of 21 recurrent patients (p=0.623). There was no difference in term of mean age in patients with and without urethral fistula (9.2 years vs. 8.2 years, p=0.377). The placement of urethral meatus were coronal in 27 (19.1%), subcoronal in 101 (71.6%), and mid-penil in 13 patients (9.2%). There was no difference in terms of placement of urethral meatus and urethral fistula in primary and recurrent cases (p=0.147). There was no difference between urethral Foley catheter and urethral stent with percutaneous cystostomy usage in terms of urethral fistula development (20.9% vs. 16.1%, p=0.738).

Conclusion: TIPU is an easy-to-apply technique with low complications rates, good functional and cosmetic outcomes in both primary and recurrent hypospadias cases.

EISSN 2980-1478