Urology Research & Practice
Case Report

Penile fracture associated with partial urethral injury: the report of two cases


Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi, Üroloji Anabilim Dalı, Ankara

Urol Res Pract 2009; 35: 374-377
Read: 1412 Downloads: 1180 Published: 25 July 2019


Urethral injury associated with penile fracture is uncommon, occurring in 11-22% of cases. In this study, we aimed to report two penile fracture cases with partial urethral rupture that occurred during sexual intercourse. Surgical repair was done at 2nd hour of injury for the first case, but at 6th day of injury due to late application of patient to the doctor. Radiological evaluation was not performed in either patient. Partial urethral injury was detected by diagnostic urethroscopy intraoperatively in the first case. In the second case urethral injury was detected by exploration of urethra intraoperatively. In both cases, the urethral injury sites were reached following degloving of penile skin to the radix penis, by a circumferential subcoronal incision. Defects at tunica albuginea and urethra were sutured by absorbable sutures. Patients were discharged after removing Foley catheters at postoperative 3rd and 6th days for the first and second case, respectively. Erectile dysfunction or urethral stricture was not detected at postoperative 3rd month visit of either patient. The findings from these cases demonstrated that surgical repair, the most suitable treatment approach, could be performed without routine radiological evaluation in cases of penile fracture with partial urethral injury. Intraoperative urethroscopy is diagnostic in penile fracture cases with suspected urethral injury. 

EISSN 2980-1478