In this study we aimed to investigate the effect of age on different diagnostic parameters for ED and find the most suitable approach to these patients.
Patients with erectile dysfunction complaints during the February 1999-January 2000 period were included in the study. A detailed sexual as well as medical history was obtained from the patients and they were asked to fill the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). Intracavernosal injection test was applied to the patients during the same session. A penile Doppler Ultrasound was performed on another visit. Patients were divided into 2 groups: Ages≥50 (group I) and ages<50 (group II). The two age groups were compared for the IIEF scores, İntracavernosal injection tests and PDU results using the X2 and Fisher’s exact tests.
100 patients with an age range of 19-72 were included in the study. The numbers of patients for group I and group II were 54 and 46, respectively. According to the IIEF scores 48.2% of the patients in Group I complained of severe, 33.3% of moderate and 18.5% of mild ED compared to 21.7%, 41.3%, 37%, respectively in group II. A positive injection test rate was 38.9% in group I and 56.5% in group II. When the PDU results were evaluated while all patients in group I revealed a vascular pathology a 17.4% rate of normal vascular and venoocclusive function was assessed in group II.