Urology Research & Practice
Original Article

The role of ultra-mini percutaneous nephrolithotomy in the treatment of kidney stones


Department of Urology, Bezmialem Vakif University School of Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey

Urol Res Pract 2016; 42: 261-266
DOI: 10.5152/tud.2016.32644
Read: 1700 Downloads: 1221 Published: 25 July 2019


Objective: In our study we aimed to evaluate outcomes of ultra-mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy (UMP) performed for the treatment of kidney stones.


Material and methods: Between October 2014 and September 2015, a single surgeon performed UMP on a total of 49 consecutive patients with symptomatic kidney stones at our center. Pregnants, anticogulant users, patients with bleeding diathesis pyonephrosis, and partial/complete staghorn stones were excluded from the study. Patient characteristics, operative data and postoperative outcomes were assessed in detail.


Results: The UMP was performed on 50 (34 right/16 left) renal units of the 48 (28 male/20 female) patients included in this study. The mean age and body mass index was 36.5 (2-83) years and 26.2 (17.6-32.8) kg/m2, respectively. Mean stone size was calculated as 22.2 (10-55) mm. The mean durations of the operations and fluoroscopic examination were calculated as 65.4 (20-120) minutes and 89.4 (9-322) seconds, respectively. The mean duration of hospitalization was 1.4 (1-5) days. In 52% of the patients the procedure was terminated tubeless. Mean hemoglobin drop was 0.6 (0-3) g/dL. Our series experienced a 10% complication rate. The UMP procedure was successful in 96% of the renal units at the 1st month control visit assessment.


Conclusion: The outcomes of our study have demonstrated that UMP is an effective and safe treatment modality, especially in the treatment of medium-sized renal calculi.

EISSN 2980-1478