Urology Research & Practice
Original Article

Tourniquet and adrenaline use in hypospadias surgery: a survey on the current practice in Turkey


Department of Pediatric Surgery, Ankara University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey

Urol Res Pract 2019; 45: 218-222
DOI: 10.5152/tud.2018.94412
Read: 2899 Downloads: 614 Published: 25 July 2019



Objective: Aim of the study is to determine the hemostatic techniques among pediatric urologists in Turkey.


Material and methods: Questionnaire forms were sent to 459 pediatric urologist by e-mail.


Results: Ninety eight of 459 participants answered the questionnaire forms. Eighty-one (84.4%) of the participants were using tourniquet. The participants who didn’t use tourniquet stated their justifications as follows: lack of need (n=10: 66.7%), development of edema, ischemia, delay of wound-graft healing and fistula risk (n=5: 33.3%). The indications of tourniquet use were stated as follows: penile (91.4%: n=74), distal (72.8%: n=59), penoscrotal (55.6%: n=45) hypospadias; fistula repair (33.3%: n=27), cripple hypospadias (33.3%: n=27), repair with flaps (30.9%: n=25), repair with grafts (27.2%: n=22), and isolated penile curvature (21%: n=17). Most commonly used tourniquet material (49.9%) was latex glove. Erection test was applied by 43.8% of participants. Scalp vein set was the most commonly (54.8%) used injector during erection test. Only 9.4% of participants were using adrenaline. Adrenaline dosages used at 1/100.000 dilution by 55.6%, lidocaine with 1/100.000 adrenaline by 44.4% of participants.


Conclusion: Beside a few experimental ones there is a paucity of studies that can serve as a guideline for using these techniques in the literature. There is a necessity of realizing prospective, randomized studies with long-term follow up to evidence that postoperative complications could develop secondary to hemostatic techniques and also to facilitate safe use of these techniques.


Cite this article as: Ateş U, Ekberli G, Yaşam Taştekin N, Göllü G, Çakmak M. Tourniquet and adrenaline use in hypospadias surgery: a survey on the current practice in Turkey. Turk J Urol 2019; 45(3): 218-22.

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