This study was planned to investigate the effect of 5-propyl 2-thiouracil (PTU) on rat testis, and to compare the results of the different treatment regimens of L-tiroxine and Zinc. 20 sexually mature wistar albino rats were subjec- ted to PTU for 14 days intraperitoneally to make them hypothyroidic. The effect of PTU on testicular function was assessed histopathologicalIy after unilateral orchicctomy on day 15, and treatment period was evaluated by measu- ring serum TSH, T3, T4 and zinc levels on days 0,7 and 15. rats were then divided into 5 groups to which L-tiroxine and/or zinc treatment were applied for 15 days. Orchiectomies were repeated on day 30 and specimens Were evalua- ted histopathologically. While serum T3, T4 and zinc levels decreased, serum TSH levels increased in PTU treated rats and difference between PTU treated and control group was statistically significant (p>0.001). Maturation arrest of spermatogenesis, decrcased number of sertoli and leydig cells, decrease of mean tubular diameter, interstitial oc- dema and thickening of basal membrane has been observed in hypothyroidic testicles. After trcalmeni, testicular his- tology and spermalogenesis were gradually recovered in all groups with hypothyroidy but maximum imrovement was achieved in L-tiroxine--zinc sulphate replacement group, indicating possible role of zinc on testicular function.