To investigate the effecis of Oflaxocin âtid Pellâxocin on spermatogenesis, we studied 7 groups of adult male Wistar rats. 120 âdult male Wistar rats were used. Study groups consisted of controls (distilled water), Ofloxacin 7 mg/kg/day; Ofloxacin 21 mg/kg/day, Ofloxacin 63 mg/kg/day, Pefloxacin 13 mg/kg/day, Pefloxacin 36 mg/kg/day and Pefloğâcin 108 mg/kg/day. Drugs were administered with gavage in a single dose during 5 days to half of the animals at the each stüdy group ahd thari stopped. Other half of the animals at the each study group was given drugs 28 days and than stopped. Bilateral örchicctömiy Was performed 3 days after cessation of drugs, and testicular we- ights, vasal sperm viability and morphology, Johnsen scores, tubular diameters and histopathologic diagnosis were determined. In ofloxacin and pefloxacin groups, all parameters were similar t6 controls. In conclusion, both drugs have no deleterious effect on spermiâtögenesis.