Urology Research & Practice
PEDIATRIC UROLOGY - Original Article

Surgical Technique of Glans Wings Creation with Preservation of Glanular Vascular Arcade and Creating Flaps for Tension-Free Glansplasty in Hypospadias Repair


Department of Pediatric Surgery, King George’s Medical University, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, India

Urol Res Pract 2023; 49: 53-58
DOI: 10.5152/tud.2023.22150
Read: 1025 Downloads: 345 Published: 10 March 2023

Objective: The objective of this study is to report the technical nuances of glans wings creation in anatomical plane facilitating liberal glans wings mobilization with preservation of glanular vessels for tension-free glansplasty in surgery of hypospadias in primary and redo cases.

Materials and methods: Eighty-six primary hyposapdias and 7 cases of distal hypospadias, operated elsewhere and presented with glans and urethroplasty dehiscence, undergoing tubularized-incised-plate (TIP) repair were included after ethical approval. Technical points of glans wings creation in the subfascial plane included (i) creation of Buck’s fascia window, just proximal and lateral to the point of bifurcation of corpus spongiosum, (ii) creation of subfascial-pret unical plane on the tunica albuginea of corpora cavernosa up to ventral limit of laid open glanular meatus, (iii) release of pillars of corpus spongiosum off the glans base keeping the basal lamina propria covering the vascular arcade intact, (iv) release of glans base off the tip of corpora cavernosa and composite flap of corpus spongiosum pillars with Buck’s fascia off the corpora cavernosa, (v) approximation of glans wings over the tubularized-incised-plate covered with dartos, and (vi) approximation of fasciospongioplasty flaps at hypospadiac meatus. Outcome measurement included (i) intra and postoperative problems and (ii) elimination of glans dehiscence.

Results: There occurred 1 injury to the tunica albuginea of ventral corpora cavernosa and 1 button-hole injury to subcoronal mucosal collars. Flaps for fasciospongioplasty were short in 11. One glans dehiscence occurred in flat glans.

Conclusions: This technique is effective in creating glans wings in the anatomical plane with the preservation of glanular vessels and flaps for fasciospongioplasty eliminating the possibility of glans dehiscence in both fresh and redo cases.

Cite this article as: Gupta A, Kureel S, Singh G, Gupta SK, Sunil K. Surgical technique of glans wings creation with preservation of glanular vascular arcade and creating flaps for tension-free glansplasty in hypospadias repair. Urol Res Pract., 2023;49(1):53-58.

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