Varicocele has been shown to have an effect on seminal parameters, sperm function, testicular size and histology. In pathogenesis of varicocele hyperthermia, hormonal dysfunction, increased testicular blood flow, reflux of renal and adrenal metabolites and hypoxia are considered.
We compared the increase in sperm parameters between reflux (-) and reflux spermatic vein: 3.2140.7) and 18 ,Jin the reflux (9 group (mean diameter of internal spermatic vein: 3.2410.8).
.. İn thereflux (#) group, postoperative increase in sperm count Was 11.6H1.4 millions/ml. and improvement of motility was 12.5941.62 94 postoperatively. In the reflux (<) group increases were 6.4141.91 millions/ml. and 3.3340.87 Ye respectively.
The study shows that the statistical difference of the increase in sperm parameters of the reflux (4) groupis
very significant postoperatively (sperm count: p<0.05 and motility: p<0.001).