Urology Research & Practice
Original Article

The transrectal single port laparoscopic radical prostatectomy in a cadaver model


Department of Urology, Kartal Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey


Department of Urology, Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute, Cleveland, USA


T.C. Ministry of Justice, Turkish Council of Forensic Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey


Department of Urology, Medipol University School of Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey


Department of Urology, Medipol University Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey

Urol Res Pract 2015; 41: 78-82
DOI: 10.5152/tud.2015.40336
Read: 1891 Downloads: 1223 Published: 25 July 2019


Objective: To explore the feasibility of laparoscopic trans-rectal Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) radical prostatectomy in a cadaveric model and to define anatomical landmarks of this surgical route.


Material and methods: After the ethical clearance, the study was conducted in Turkish Council of Forensic Medicine. With the cadaver in an exaggerated lithotomy position, a full thickness incision was made on the anterior wall of the rectum. The anteriorly visible Denonvilliers’ fascia was incised sharply, exposing the posterior surface of the prostate. A single-port device (GelPOINT®Path) was inserted trans-anally passing the incision on the anterior wall of the rectum, into the bluntly created space between rectum and prostate. Three, 10 mm ports were placed through the GelPOINT®Path, at 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions. A 5 mm, 0° degree lens was introduced at 6 o’clock position; followed by laparoscopic scissors and laparoscopic grasper. Prostatic and periprostatic anatomy was defined as encountered during each step of the procedure.


Results: Exposure of the posterior surface of the prostate and seminal vesicles was easily achieved. No additional openings of the rectal wall were made. Surgical specimen was extracted keeping its integrity.


Conclusion: Transrectal radical prostatectomy is technically feasible in the cadaver model, being facilitated by previous experience with perineal surgery. Anatomical observations during the present experimental study suggest that the transrectal NOTES route provides good exposure of the operative field and easy access to the posterior surface of prostate, Future experimental endeavors should focus on reproducibility of this approach and feasibility of lymph node dissection using trans-rectal route.

EISSN 2980-1478